Tuesday, June 21, 2011


The girls got their first little pet last weekend. Pawpaw was working at Ross Bridge on Friday and picked up this super friendly turtle off of the golf course and brought him to the girls on Saturday. They thought it was the best thing ever! We have had Bogey (cute, huh?) for 4 days now and he has not eaten one single bite of anything we have given him. We are afraid he is going to die so the girls and I are taking him down to the lake across the street to let him go this afternoon. I wish he would eat so we could keep him...he is the friendliest turtle I have ever seen. He has not been inside of his shell at all the entire time we have had him. Clint built him this "turtle condo" so he has a swim area and a sunning area. We will miss you Bogey!

Max the wonderdog....afraid of a turtle!

I didn't just let Bogey walk around the house but he crawled out of the styrofoam cooler he came in before Clint made his new place and I had to let Max size him up for a few minutes. It was hilarious!