Sunday, May 17, 2009

Rainy Sunday and Painting

Will the rain ever stop???? I am wholed up in our bedroom with the girls today and we are running out of things to do! Clint decided at the spur of the moment yesterday around 2pm that he was going to paint our den...and I am SOOO happy! It has needed painting for a long time and even though I was unprepared to have this done, we are doing what we can to stay out of his way and let him work. Of all weekends for it to rain the entire time, this was not a good one. I am hoping the rain stops soon so we can at least go for a walk and get out of the house in a little while. We watched TV, or TB as the girls call it, for a while, got bored with that so then we played with blocks for a while. That got boring so then they wanted me to bury them in blocks. Now they are jumping on the bed and I need to stop blogging before someone gets hurt...bye.