Thursday, October 22, 2009

Day at the zoo

Picnic in the car!

Picnic started out in the picnic area but we had to finish up in the car due to tons of bees everywhere!

We took advantage of another beautiful day and went to the zoo this morning. The girls absolutely love the zoo now and especially the children's zoo where they can pet the animals. The goats were very, very friendly today! We brought out lunch and were going to have a picnic since it was so nice outside but there were tons and tons of bees everywhere and I was scared someone was going to get stung so we packed up and ran back to the car to finish eating. I haven't used my jogging stroller in quite some time but we took it w/ us today. After the picnic I unloaded the stroller, got the girls in it, snacks, drinks, diaper bag, jackets, etc. to realized that I had not one, not two, but three flat tires on it! I found a really nice man that worked at the zoo and asked very nicely for him to please, please, please find any kind of pump to put air in my tires...after about 20 minutes of waiting he showed up with a huge pump thingy and fixed us right up and we were on our way.