Wednesday, June 23, 2010

World's Best Babysitter!

My first baby! Poor Maxwell gets no face time anymore so I thought I'd give him a shout out...we still love you even though you shed like a Yetti!!
I have good news and bad news....good news first. We have the most fabulous babysitter ever known to man. Payton lives just down the street from us and has been keeping the girls for a few weeks now and we all just love her to death! Bad news is she is about to leave to go to school at Alabama at the end of the summer...Poo!!! The girls go nuts when she comes over yelling and screaming and jumping around the minute she rings the doorbell. The pictures up top are of S&T with their piggy banks that Payton brought to them today for their birthday. So sweet of her to do that!
Don't they look so darn cute with their hair in pigtails? I've been doing that for the past few days and it seems to work better than a ponytail at keeping their hair out of their eyes. I think they are part English Sheepdog. (Especially poor Taylor)