Wednesday, November 12, 2008

We are talking up a storm!

The girls are chattering up a storm lately. Taylor has said "milk", "school" and "sissy" and Sutton has said "school" "excuse me" and "sissy". Now, obviously they are not speaking clearly yet, but they are definitely repeating things back to us that we say to them now. Our delicate little flowers just love to ladylike, I know. So we are teaching them to say "excuse me" afterwards. It's more like "cuse me" but it's cute!

They have also learned to blow kisses, which we love. Last night for the first time I got a real kiss on the lips from them both. I put Taylor in her bed and leaned down and said "give mommy a kiss" and she jumped up and laid one on me...3 times in a row! It was the sweetest thing ever. I decided to try my luck w/ Sutton, who is not such a fan of anyone being right in her face, and she did it too! Three times in a row, just like sissy. I could have stayed in there all night long running from bed to bed getting kisses.

They are absolutely loving school these days. Each time I pick them up the teacher brings them outside to me and they are grinning from ear to ear and just wiggling with excitement. Who would have ever thought they would have so much fun?

We are already teaching them to help pick up their toys etc. We can use all the help they will give! They are really good about picking up all of their books and putting them back in the bin we keep them in. They will also pick up all of the loose balls from the ball pit and put them back up. When we put them in their jammies at night I hand them their dirty clothes from the day and tell them to take them to the kitchen (laundry room) and they will prance right in there and wait for me to open the door to put them in the dirty clothes basket.

They both like Elmo a lot but Sutton is down right infatuated with him. We went to Toys R Us (first time ever) over the weekend and found an aisle with nothing but Elmo gear on it and she almost had a stroke. She was totally overwhelmed and started screaming and crying when Clint pushed the buggy onto another aisle. They have different variations of his name. He goes by "Mo", "Melmo", "My Mo" or "My Melmo".

They have stopped fighting so much lately and are being very loving towards each other and we are so happy about it. You can say "give sissy a hug" and they will just bear hug each other. It is too cute! Taylor is biting less and Sutton is biting more so it is pretty much even now on who bites who the most. They are starting to share better and when one is crying about something the other will bring her a toy to make her feel better. Sweet!

Taylor cut 3 teeth in about 2 days and has another about to come through. Sutton finally cut a top tooth so we are hoping for the other one before Christmas. All I want for Christmas is my two front teeth!

They absolutely love the show Yo Gabba Gabba and love to dance to the music throughout the show. It's comical to just sit back and watch them shake their booties!

I guess that's about it. I will try to post some new photos in the next few days. I have been sick for about a month now and a week ago I found out I have bronchitis that I cannot seem to get rid of. The girls are well though, and that's the main thing.